dictyBase Help: dictyMart

dictyBase Help: dictyMart

dictyMart is a query tool that allows retreival of information based on user defined criteria. Among other things, dictyMart can select genes based on their chromosomal location, GO annotation, or dictyBaseID. Once you have selected a group of genes, you can choose what information about the genes you wish to see. The best way to get started is to use the dictyMart Overview tutorial below.

dictyMart Tutorials
dictyMart Overview (for beginners) [view]
How to Download protein sequences and annotations given a list of dictyBaseIDs Coming Soon

dictyMart Step-by-Step Instructions
How do I download the promoter sequences of a list of genes? [view]
How do I get the protein sequence of all protein kinases? [view]

dictyMart is an implementation of the Biomart Project. BioMart is a query-oriented data management system developed jointly by the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). Visit the BioMart website for additional documentation.

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