Dictyostelium Mutants

Phenotypes for Dictyostelium mutants

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To view more details, including parent strains and references, click on the corresponding dictyBase ID.

Systematic Name Strain Descriptor Associated gene(s) Phenotypes
DBS0266721Dd5P4-/ [act15]: Hs-OCRL(D422A)Dd5P4decreased phagocytosis
DBS0237041VatMprvatMincreased protein localization to cytoplasm | decreased phagocytosis | decreased growth rate | aberrant regulation of intracellular pH
DBS0237236[AS]: [tet]: trrAtrrAdecreased growth rate | delayed development | abolished aggregation
DBS0350570[AS]PARPDDB_G0286613 | DDB_G0289141 | adprt1A | adprt1B | adprt2 | adprt3 | adprt4 | pARTf | pARTgdecreased cell death | aberrant positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential
DBS0350559[AS]act15: adprt1Aadprt1Adevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | decreased gene expression | decreased ATP level | increased mitochondrial fission
DBS0351092[AS]aifaifaberrant cellular homeostasis | aberrant regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential | aberrant mitochondrion morphology | decreased ATP level | increased gene expression | decreased gene expression | decreased growth rate | aberrant cell cycle | increased necrotic cell death | delayed development | aberrant response to oxidative stress | aberrant cell morphology | increased mitochondrial fission | aberrant mitochondrion organization
DBS0304456[AS]alrA/ gcsA-alrA | gcsAaberrant cellular metabolic process | increased gene expression | decreased growth rate | mitotic G1 phase arrest
DBS0237273[AS]calAcalAabolished cytokinesis
DBS0350897[AS]carAcarA-1 | carA-2abolished aggregation
DBS0237228[AS]cfrA/ [AS]cfrBcfrA | cfrBdecreased sexual fusion
DBS0237224[AS]cmfAcmfAabolished aggregation
DBS0237225[AS]cupBcupBabolished aggregation
DBS0350979[AS]deeJdeeJdecreased pinocytosis | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0237226[AS]dia1dia1decreased gene expression | precocious aggregation
DBS0351176[AS]dscAdscA-1 | dscA-2abolished stream development
DBS0238235[AS]dutAdutAwild type
DBS0350560[AS]ecmB: adprt1Aadprt1Adevelopment arrests at slug stage
DBS0350676[AS]erkAerkAaberrant vegetative growth
DBS0237229[AS]gpaAgpaAwild type
DBS0351057[AS]gshBgshBincreased slug migration
HPF414[AS]hspAhspAdecreased growth rate | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased defense response to bacterium
DBS0351041[AS]hspA/ [AS]ndkC-1hspA | ndkC-1 | ndkC-2wild type
DBS0238749[AS]hspA/ snfAhspA | snfAwild type
DBS0252819[AS]hssAhssAwild type
DBS0351171[AS]htrAhtrAdecreased growth rate | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0237230[AS]ino1ino1abolished vegetative growth
DBS0236725[AS]patApatAdecreased growth rate
DBS0237504[AS]pikEpikEaberrant stalk morphogenesis | decreased growth rate
DBS0237232[AS]proAproAwild type
DBS0350355[AS]proA-/ proB-/ lmpA-lmpA | proA | proBabolished sporulation | wild type
DBS0351311[AS]proA/ abpB(129-295)abpB | proAaberrant cellular process
DBS0236827[AS]proA/ proB-proA | proBdecreased exocytosis | decreased pinocytosis | aberrant exocytosis | increased actin filament polymerization | development arrests at slug stage | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased cell motility | abolished vegetative growth | decreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | increased phagocytosis
DBS0238036[AS]proA/ proB-/ [act15]: proAproA | proBwild type
DBS0238037[AS]proA/ proB-/ [act15]: proBproA | proBwild type
DBS0350334[AS]proA/ proB-/ scrA-proA | proB | scrAdecreased exocytosis | decreased pinocytosis | decreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes
DBS0350117[AS]ptcBptcBdecreased growth rate
DBS0236851[AS]rapArapAdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant osmosensory signaling pathway | decreased phagocytosis | abolished vegetative growth | increased actin phosphorylation | aberrant hyperosmotic response
DBS0351303[AS]rhebrhebdecreased growth rate | increased macropinocytosis | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350574[AS]rps4rps4decreased spore germination | aberrant actin cytoskeleton organization | aberrant vegetative growth | decreased mound size | decreased spore size | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased sporulation
DBS0236904[AS]rps4mrps4delayed aggregation | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0238748[AS]snfAsnfAdecreased number of mitochondria | decreased ATP level | increased growth rate | decreased fruiting body size | aberrant mitochondrion organization
DBS0304498[AS]sslA1sslA1decreased fruiting body size
DBS0237235[AS]tcp1tcp1decreased growth rate | development arrests at mound stage | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351302[AS]tpp1tpp1aberrant cellular process | decreased growth rate | aberrant sorocarp development | increased macropinocytosis | increased phagocytosis
DBS0351218[AS]twm1twm1decreased growth rate
DBS0350649[AS]vatBvatBdelayed aggregation | aberrant slug migration | aberrant response to chemical
DBS0306101[AS]vatPvatPdecreased calcium ion import | decreased growth rate
DBS0306102[AS]vatPvatPdecreased calcium ion import | decreased growth rate | delayed development
DBS0350519[OE]: egeAegeAdecreased protein level | abolished aggregation
DBS0350172[RNAi]allCallCdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | decreased protein level | decreased gene expression | decreased vegetative cell size | increased growth rate
DBS0350070[RNAi]canAcanAaberrant sorus morphology | aberrant response to cation stress | increased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | decreased fruiting body size | decreased stalk length
DBS0350727[RNAi]cepEcepEincreased number of centrosomes | aberrant cell separation during cytokinesis | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation
DBS0235409[RNAi]cnbAcnbAaberrant sorus morphology | decreased gene expression | aberrant response to cation stress | increased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | aberrant stalk cell differentiation | decreased stalk length
DBS0349787[RNAi]ctnnActnnAabolished epithelium-like organization | abolished stalk development | aberrant protein secretion | abolished establishment of cell polarity | aberrant Golgi localization | aberrant centrosome localization | abolished culmination | aberrant protein localization
DBS0349923[RNAi]ctnnA/ [act15]: GFP-mhcActnnAaberrant stalk morphogenesis | decreased epithelium-like organization | aberrant protein localization
DBS0237295[RNAi]fimAfimAwild type
DBS0349944[RNAi]fttBfttBincreased number of mound tips | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased growth rate | delayed development | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant cytoskeleton organization
DBS0252820[RNAi]hssAhssAwild type
DBS0350940[RNAi]kif6kif6aberrant mitotic spindle organization
DBS0237310[RNAi]lipAlipAwild type
DBS0349871[RNAi]lkb1lkb1abolished prespore cell differentiation | delayed aggregation | aberrant slug development | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant response to osmotic stress | aberrant response to oxidative stress | aberrant regulation of protein kinase activity | increased prestalk cell differentiation | decreased sporulation
DBS0350643[RNAi]nse1nse1aberrant response to UV | aberrant stream morphology | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0350644[RNAi]nse4nse4decreased gene expression | aberrant response to UV | aberrant stream morphology | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0237296[RNAi]pks16pks16wild type
DBS0237311[RNAi]racF2racF2abolished vegetative growth
DBS0350488[RNAi]rmd1rmd1aberrant cell separation during cytokinesis
DBS0238734[RNAi]sdhAsdhAabolished aggregation | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351295[RNAi]sir2Dsir2Ddecreased gene expression | delayed development
DBS0351599[RNAi]srtAsrtAincreased pre-miRNA processing
DBS0304564[RNAi]sun1sun1aberrant nucleus morphology | increased vegetative cell size
DBS0349929[RNAi]tacAtacAaberrant response to cation stress | increased gene expression | delayed development | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0350046[RNAi]tacctaccaberrant response to abiotic stimulus | decreased protein level | decreased size of astral microtubules
YLD53[RNAi]thg1thg1decreased growth rate
DBS0350794[RNAi]tlp3tlp3decreased growth rate
DBS0350795[RNAi]tlp4tlp4decreased growth rate
DBS0237818[RNAi]wipAwipAdecreased actin filament polymerization at leading edge | delayed pseudopodium formation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased filopodium formation
DBS0350924[TRE-Pmin]: 6xHis: GFP: dhcA(1384-4725(K1975T))dhcAaberrant molecular function
DBS0350052[TRE-Pmin]: arfA(Q71L): GFParfAaberrant filopodium formation | aberrant cytokinesis
DBS0350053[TRE-Pmin]: arfA(T31N): GFParfAwild type | increased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium
DBS0237101[act15]: CFP: racC(T20N)racCdecreased actin filament polymerization | aberrant cytokinesis | abolished positive chemotaxis
DBS0350908[act15]: DD: GFP: rab8A(N128I)rab8Aincreased contractile vacuole size | increased number of contractile vacuoles | abolished protein localization to contractile vacuole
DBS0350909[act15]: DD: GFP: rab8A(Q74L)rab8Aaberrant contractile vacuole localization | increased number of contractile vacuoles | decreased contractile vacuole size
DBS0350566[act15]: FLAG: Rab14(Q67L)rab14increased lysosome size | increased post-lysosomal vacuole size | aberrant phagosome maturation | increased endosomal vesicle fusion
DBS0238108[act15]: FLAG: ppp4C(H113Q)ppp4cdevelopment arrests at mound stage | delayed development
DBS0351488[act15]: FLAG: rasC(Q62L)rasCabolished protein localization to plasma membrane | increased actin filament polymerization | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0304572[act15]: GFP: abpD(1441-1736)abpDabolished protein localization to nuclear envelope
DBS0304571[act15]: GFP: abpD(1441-1738)abpDabolished protein localization to nuclear envelope
DBS0350288[act15]: GFP: forF(1-1087)forFdecreased pinocytosis | decreased phagocytosis | decreased growth rate
DBS0350349[act15]: GFP: gtaC(1-467: 497-587)gtaCabolished protein localization to nucleus
DBS0350351[act15]: GFP: gtaC(229-587)gtaCabolished protein localization to cytoplasm
DBS0350359[act15]: GFP: gtaC(281-467: 497-587)gtaCaberrant protein localization to cytoplasm
DBS0350352[act15]: GFP: gtaC(281-587)gtaCabolished protein localization to cytoplasm
DBS0350360[act15]: GFP: gtaC(346-467: 497-587)gtaCaberrant protein localization to cytoplasm | aberrant protein localization to nucleus
DBS0350353[act15]: GFP: gtaC(346-587)gtaCabolished protein localization to cytoplasm
DBS0350350[act15]: GFP: gtaC(K469,470,494,496A/ R468,471A)gtaCabolished protein localization to nucleus
DBS0350337[act15]: GFP: pakA(797-1197)pakAdecreased phagocytosis | decreased cell motility
DBS0351073[act15]: GFP: rac1A(G12V)rac1Adecreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased macropinocytosis | decreased cell motility | delayed development | aberrant actin filament organization | abolished filopodium formation
DBS0351074[act15]: GFP: rac1C(G12V)rac1Cdecreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased macropinocytosis | decreased cell motility | delayed development | aberrant actin filament organization | abolished filopodium formation
DBS0237132[act15]: GFP: racH(T18N)racHaberrant cytokinesis | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0238393[act15]: GFP: rapA(G12V)rapAincreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0238394[act15]: GFP: rapA(S17N)rapAdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0350112[act15]: GFP: rheb(D60I)rhebincreased phagocytosis
DBS0350111[act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)rhebdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0351178[act15]: GFP: sey1(K154A)sey1increased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | aberrant catalytic activity | decreased protein localization | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum organization
DBS0304563[act15]: GFP: sun1(283-905)sun1increased number of centrosomes | decreased protein localization to nuclear envelope | aberrant nuclear membrane organization | aberrant nucleus morphology | increased vegetative cell size | aberrant centrosome localization | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation
DBS0350648[act15]: HA: Rab14(N121I)rab14decreased pinocytosis | decreased hypotonic response | aberrant contractile vacuole morphology
DBS0350899[act15]: HA: rab11(N126I)rab11Aaberrant contractile vacuole organization | aberrant contractile vacuole morphology | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350812[act15]: HA: rab7A(Q67L)rab7Aincreased exocytosis
DBS0350813[act15]: HA: rab7A(T22N)rab7Adecreased pinocytosis | increased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | decreased exocytosis | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant phagosome maturation | abolished macropinocytosis | abolished protein localization to phagocytic vesicle
DBS0351228[act15]: T7: rasG(G12T)rasGincreased protein phosphorylation | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | increased cell-substrate adhesion | decreased filopodium formation
DBS0350986[act15]: YFP: myoC(G395A)myoCdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant mitotic spindle organization | decreased phagocytosis
DBS0237227[act15]: [AS]dia2dia2aberrant extracellular cAMP signaling pathway | abolished aggregation | decreased cAMP level
DBS0349940[act15]: acrA(1-731): YFPacrAaberrant spore coat morphology | decreased adenylate cyclase activity
DBS0238088[act15]: atg1(K36A)atg1abolished macroautophagy | increased number of autophagosomes | aberrant cellular response to nitrogen starvation | abolished aggregation
DBS0252740[act15]: carA(I104D)carA-1 | carA-2increased cAMP binding | delayed aggregation | aberrant oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0252744[act15]: carA(I104E)carA-1 | carA-2increased cAMP binding | delayed aggregation | aberrant oscillatory cAMP signaling
DBS0252747[act15]: carA(I104H)carA-1 | carA-2development arrests at loose mound stage | increased cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0252749[act15]: carA(I104K)carA-1 | carA-2increased cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation | abolished aggregation
DBS0252746[act15]: carA(I104N)carA-1 | carA-2development arrests at loose mound stage | increased cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0252745[act15]: carA(I104Q)carA-1 | carA-2development arrests at loose mound stage | increased cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0252750[act15]: carA(I104R)carA-1 | carA-2development arrests at loose mound stage | increased cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0252748[act15]: carA(I104Y)carA-1 | carA-2development arrests at loose mound stage | increased cAMP binding | aberrant oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0237098[act15]: cdk5(D144N)cdk5decreased pinocytosis | increased mound size | aberrant protein level | delayed aggregation | decreased phagocytosis | decreased growth rate | decreased sporulation | decreased protein secretion
DBS0350946[act15]: dhcA(1384-4725)dhcAaberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization
DBS0349956[act15]: fttB(K49E): GFPfttBaberrant cytoskeleton organization
DBS0351059[act15]: gshB/ [AS]gpaBgpaB | gshBaberrant stream morphology | decreased establishment of cell polarity | decreased sporulation
DBS0351607[act15]: hsp101(K213A)hsp101decreased cellular thermotolerance
DBS0351608[act15]: hsp101(K613A)hsp101decreased cellular thermotolerance
DBS0351173[act15]: htrA(S300A)htrAdecreased growth rate | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0350037[act15]: mekA(299-360)mekAdecreased mound size
DBS0350034[act15]: mekA(K321A)mekAdecreased mound size
DBS0350033[act15]: mekA(S444A/ T448A)mekAdecreased mound size
DBS0350332[act15]: mkpB(C294V)mkpB-1 | mkpB-2decreased migratory slug size | delayed prestalk gene expression | delayed prespore gene expression | aberrant sorocarp development | decreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0350417[act15]: myc: ptpCptpCaberrant protein phosphorylation
DBS0266839[act15]: myc: ptpCΔ(C649S)ptpCaberrant protein localization to nucleus | increased protein tyrosine phosphorylation
DBS0266838[act15]: myc: ptpC(C649S)ptpCaberrant protein localization to nucleus | increased protein tyrosine phosphorylation
DBS0238396[act15]: myc: rapA(G12V)rapAincreased protein localization to cell cortex | delayed aggregation | increased cell-substrate adhesion | decreased cell motility | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0238397[act15]: myc: rapA(S17N)rapAdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0237183[act15]: pakA(K394A)pakAdevelopment arrests at mound stage | delayed development
DBS0237184[act15]: pakA[CA]pakAabolished aggregation
DBS0349855[act15]: pakB(1-337: 563-852)pakBdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0237189[act15]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)pkaRdecreased protein tyrosine phosphorylation | decreased protein kinase activity | abolished cAMP binding | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | abolished aggregation
DBS0350701[act15]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)/ AX3pkaRdecreased gene expression | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling
DBS0350752[act15]: pten(C124S): GFPptenabolished catalytic activity
DBS0350753[act15]: pten(G129E): GFPptenabolished catalytic activity
DBS0350951[act15]: rac1B(Q61L)rac1Bincreased lateral pseudopodium formation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0350952[act15]: rac1B(T17N)rac1Babolished establishment of cell polarity | delayed aggregation | aberrant actin filament organization | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350469[act15]: racE(G20V): GFPracEdecreased actin filament polymerization | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased growth rate
DBS0350584[act15]: rapA(G12V)rapAabolished protein localization to nucleus | increased protein localization to cell cortex | aberrant nucleus morphology | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | increased cell-substrate adhesion | abolished protein localization to centrosome | increased number of microtubule organizing center
DBS0351497[act15]: rasD(Q61L)rasDdecreased protein kinase activation
DBS0351496[act15]: rasD(S17N)rasDincreased protein kinase activation
DBS0351212[act15]: rasG(S17N)rasGaberrant activation of GTPase activity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350671[act15]: regA(126-316): mycregAprecocious sporulation
DBS0349793[act15]: sadA(921-952)sadAdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0351040[act15]: snfA(1-379): GFP/ [AS]ndkC-1ndkC-1 | ndkC-2 | snfAwild type
DBS0349984[act6]: GFP: lmnB(1-712)lmnBaberrant cellular response to fluid shear stress | aberrant intermediate filament organization | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0351551[act6]: GFP: lmnB(1-712)/ S122AlmnBaberrant intermediate filament bundle assembly
DBS0350498[act6]: GFP: rab2A(N118I)rab2Aaberrant cell-cell adhesion | aberrant hypotonic response | increased growth rate | precocious development
DBS0350499[act6]: GFP: rab2A(Q64L)rab2Adecreased autophagic cell death | aberrant cell-cell adhesion | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant hypotonic response | increased growth rate | increased phagocytosis
DBS0306243[act6]: GFP: sun1sun1increased number of centrosomes | aberrant nucleus morphology | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation | aberrant centromere complex assembly | aberrant centrosome organization
DBS0306244[act6]: GFP: sun1(1-722)sun1increased number of centrosomes | aberrant nucleus morphology | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation | aberrant centromere complex assembly | aberrant centrosome organization
DBS0237219[act6]: ptpC(C649S)ptpCincreased mound size | decreased growth rate
DBS0350807[act6]: rabS(N137I): GFPrabSincreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | aberrant contractile vacuole organization | increased endocytic recycling
DBS0350942[disc]: HA: rab14(N121I)rab14decreased endosomal vesicle fusion | decreased phagocytosis
DBS0350941[disc]: HA: rab14(Q67L)rab14increased lysosome size | increased endosomal vesicle fusion | increased phagocytosis
DBS0351492[dscA]: His: agtA(D132A)agtAaberrant stalk morphogenesis | abolished sporulation
DBS0351106[dscB]: HA: racCracCdecreased exocytosis | decreased pinocytosis | decreased macropinocytosis | aberrant actin filament organization | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350903[dscB]: HA: rapB(G12V)racBdecreased exocytosis | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased growth rate | decreased macropinocytosis | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0350433[dscB]: abpB(E60K): GFPabpBabolished actin filament polymerization
DBS0350820[dscB]: cafAcafAincreased gene expression | precocious development
DBS0237237[dscB]: cycB(106-436)cycBmitotic M phase arrest
DBS0350922[dscB]: dicA(1-278)dicAincreased cell death | abolished protein binding | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant Golgi localization | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation | aberrant centrosome organization
DBS0350923[dscB]: dicA(48-654)dicAaberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant Golgi localization | decreased protein binding | aberrant mitotic sister chromatid segregation | aberrant centrosome organization
DBS0351510[dscB]: rac1B(G12V): mycrac1Bdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | delayed development | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0351511[dscB]: rac1B(Q61L): mycrac1Bdecreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | delayed development | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0351512[dscB]: rac1B(T17N): mycrac1Bdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased chemotaxis to folate | delayed development | aberrant actin filament polymerization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0350589[dscB]: rapArapAdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350586[dscB]: rapA(D40E)rapAaberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0350588[dscB]: rapA(F160L)rapAaberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0350590[dscB]: rapA(G12T)rapAdecreased pinocytosis | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350585[dscB]: rapA(S19N)rapAdecreased phagocytosis | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0350587[dscB]: rapA(T63Q)rapAaberrant cell morphology
DBS0351230[ecmAO]: rasG(G12T)rasGaberrant prestalk gene expression | aberrant culmination
DBS0350699[ecmA]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)pkaRdecreased migratory slug size | delayed development of tipped mound | aberrant culmination | aberrant slug migration | decreased prestalk gene expression | increased slug migration | aberrant prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0350700[ecmA]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)/ [ecmB-frag]: lacZpkaRabolished stalk cell differentiation
DBS0237252[gpaA]: gpaA(G45V)gpaAdelayed development
DBS0237253[gpaA]: gpaA(Q206L)gpaAincreased basal disc size
DBS0349948[ndm]: ndm: RFPndmdevelopment arrests at mound stage
DBS0350697[pspA]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)pkaRabolished gene expression | decreased prespore gene expression | aberrant sorus color
DBS0351229[pspA]: rasG(G12T)rasGincreased number of mound tips | increased prestalk gene expression | decreased prespore gene expression | abolished phototaxis | increased prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0351231[rasD]: rasG(G12T)rasGdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | increased number of mound tips
DBS0236867[rasG]: rasG(G12T)rasGaberrant aggregation
DBS0350110[tet]: RNAi: raptorraptordecreased growth rate
DBS0238351[tet]: [RNAi]cinCcinCdecreased translation | precocious aggregation | decreased growth rate
DBS0237318[tet]: ptenptendecreased cell motility | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0237622[tet]: rapA(S17N)/ [act15]: gbpDgbpD | rapAincreased establishment of cell polarity | increased cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0351461[tet]rasD(G12T)rasDincreased gene expression | increased prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0351463[tet]rasD(G12T)/ rigA-rasD | rigAwild type
DBS0350494[tgrB1]: [RNAi]abcB3/ [tgrC1]: GFPabcB3delayed development | decreased cAMP level
DBS0351290[tre]: drkA: mycdrkAdecreased growth rate | increased protein tyrosine phosphorylation
DBS0304911[tre]: paxBpaxBabolished sporulation | aberrant endocytosis | decreased cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant chemotaxis to folate | development arrests at mound stage | decreased cell motility | increased cell-cell adhesion
DBS0350267[tre]: secGsecGincreased filopodium formation | abolished establishment of cell polarity | development arrests at mound stage | aberrant actin cytoskeleton organization | aberrant actin filament polymerization | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP | delayed gene expression
DBS0351555[unk]: FLAG: rab1A(Q67L) rab1Aaberrant actin filament polymerization | aberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0351556[unk]: FLAG: rab1A(S22N)rab1Adecreased actin filament polymerization | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351443[unk]: GFP: RasG(G12T)rasGincreased macropinocytosis
DBS0351445[unk]: GFP: RasS(G12V)rasSincreased macropinocytosis
DBS0350558[unk]: pikI(T262E)pikIincreased catalytic activity
DBS0350258[unk]: rapA(G12V)rapAincreased activation of GTPase activity
DBS0236859[unk]: rasD(G12T)rasDincreased myo-inositol level | decreased gene expression | increased prestalk gene expression | decreased prespore gene expression | development arrests at tipped mound stage | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350837[unk]: rasD(G12T)/ [rasD]: rapArapA | rasDincreased number of mound tips | aberrant culmination | decreased prespore cell differentiation | aberrant gene expression | decreased stalk cell differentiation
DBS0304636[unk]: rasG(Q61L)/ rasG-rasGaberrant extracellular cAMP signaling pathway | increased protein modification
DBS0350056[unk]: tubA: GFP/ RNAi]cepGcepG | tubAaberrant cytokinesis | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant protein localization to nuclear envelope | aberrant centromere complex assembly
DBS0350913[unk]: tubA: GFP/ [RNAi]cepDcepDincreased number of centrosomes | aberrant mitotic spindle organization | decreased protein localization to microtubule organizing center
DBS0351237[unk]: tubA: GFP/ [RNAi]cepLcepL | tubAdecreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant centromere complex assembly
DBS0350737acaA-/ [act15]: acaAacaAaberrant slug development
DBS0350723acrA-/ [act15]: acaA(L394S)acaA | acrAprecocious spore germination
DBS0237786acrA-/ [act15]: acgA(1-401)acgA | acrAdecreased prespore gene expression | decreased prespore cell differentiation | decreased sporulation
DBS0351576atg5-/ abpB-/ [dscB]: abpB(D93A/ D95A/ D97A): GFPabpB | atg5aberrant cellular component organization | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0351477atg7-/ [act15]: YFP: atg7(C563A)atg7aberrant sorus morphology | decreased spore germination | delayed development
DBS0350437cdk8-/ [act15]: myc: cdk8(D194A)cdk8decreased spore germination | abolished aggregation
DBS0350343corA-/ [act15]: GFP: pakA(797-1197)corA | pakAwild type
DBS0237568ctxA-/ [RNAi]enlActxA | enlAwild type
DBS0235560dagA-/ acaA(L394S)acaA | dagAwild type
DBS0302601dsgg-/ [OE]: dsgg(Q551A)dsggaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0302600dsgg-/ [OE]: dsggR515A)dsggaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0304913gbpC-/ [act15]: gbpC(K342N)gbpCdecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0304914gbpC-/ [act15]: gbpC(K905W)gbpCdecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0237190gdt1-/ [act15]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)gdt1 | pkaRincreased gene expression | abolished aggregation
DBS0350449gefA-/ [dscB]: rasG(S17N)gefA | rasGdecreased actin filament polymerization | decreased activation of GTPase activity | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0236092gpaA-/ [gpaA]: gpaA(G45V)gpaAdelayed development
DBS0236093gpaA-/ [gpaA]: gpaA(Q206L)gpaAincreased basal disc size
DBS0351214gpaB-/ [act15]: rasG(S17N)gpaB | rasGabolished activation of GTPase activity
DBS0350608gpaD-/ [act15]: gpaD(Q200L)gpaDdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | decreased chemotaxis to folate | decreased protein kinase activation
HO547gpbA-/ [act6]: FRB: [act15]: RFP: gpbA/ [act15]: cnxA: CFP: FKBP/ [act15]: limE(1-145): GFPgpbAaberrant cortical actin cytoskeleton organization
HO543gpbA-/ [act6]: FRB: [act15]: RFP: gpbA/ [act15]: cnxA: YFP: FKBPgpbAabolished chemotaxis to folate
DBS0350832gpbA-/ [unk]: gpbA(Q208L)gpbAaberrant adaptation of signaling pathway
DBS0350427gskA-/ gskA(K85R): GFPgskAaberrant aggregation
DBS0350348gtaC-/ [act15]: GFP: gtaCgtaCwild type
DBS0266892gtaC-KDgtaCabolished stalk cell differentiation
DBS0266893gtaC-KD/ [act15]: GFP: gtaCgtaCwild type
DBS0351436ireA-/ [act15]: ireA(K603N): GFPireAdecreased protein level | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum organization | aberrant cellular response to stress
DBS0351437ireA-/ [act15]: ireA(N927A): GFPireAdecreased protein level | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum organization | aberrant cellular response to stress
DBS0350057keaA-keaAaberrant extracellular cAMP signaling pathway | decreased gene expression | delayed aggregation | decreased growth rate | decreased cAMP level
DBS0350947kif8-/ [act15]: dhcA(1384-4725)dhcA | kif8wild type
DBS0350599krsB-/ [tet]: krsB(T176A): GFPkrsBaberrant stream morphology
DBS0350114lst8-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)lst8 | rhebincreased phagocytosis
DBS0350567lvsB-/ [act15]: FLAG: Rab14(N121I)lvsB | rab14wild type
DBS0350032mekA-/ [act15]: mekA(S444A/ T448A)mekAdecreased mound size
DBS0350031mekA-/ [act15]: mekA(S444E/ T448E)mekAdevelopment arrests at mound stage
DBS0237564mhcA-/ [act15]: GFP: ctxA/ [RNAi]enlActxA | enlA | mhcAaberrant mitotic actomyosin contractile ring contraction
DBS0350489mhcA-/ [act15]: GFP: mhcA/ [RNAi]rmd1mhcA | rmd1abolished protein localization to cleavage furrow
DBS0238399mhcA-/ [act15]: rapA(G12V)mhcA | rapAincreased establishment of cell polarity | increased actin filament polymerization | aberrant myosin II filament organization
DBS0351180midA/ [act15]: midA(E200A)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351182midA/ [act15]: midA(G170V/ G172V)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351181midA/ [act15]: midA(N205A)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0304881mrps4-mrps4delayed aggregation
DBS0304882mtDNA-DidioMp05 | DidioMp21 | DidioMp26 | DidioMp27 | DidioMp30 | DidioMp35 | DidioMp36 | ai2a | ai2b | ai3 | ai4 | atp1 | atp4 | atp6 | atp8 | atp9 | cox1/ 2 | cox3 | cytB | mrpl11 | mrpl14 | mrpl16 | mrpl2 | mrpl6 | mrps12 | mrps13 | mrps14 | mrps19 | mrps2 | mrps4 | mrps7 | mrps8 | nad1 | nad11 | nad2 | nad3 | nad4 | nad4L | nad5 | nad6 | nad7 | nad9 | rnlAabolished vegetative growth | abolished aggregation
DBS0236583myoB-/ [AS]myoDmyoB | myoDdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant aggregation | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | decreased mound size | decreased cell motility
DBS0236584myoB-/ [AS]myoD/ [KD]myoCmyoB | myoC | myoDdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant aggregation | decreased pinosome size | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | decreased mound size | decreased cell motility | increased number of pinosomes
DBS0349854myoK-/ [act15]: pakB(1-337: 563-852)myoK | pakBwild type
DBS0350137ndufaf5-/ [act15]: [AS]snfAndufaf5 | snfAaberrant phototaxis
DBS0350006nhe1-/ [act15]: GFP: aip1(E125A, E167A, F181A, F193A)aip1 | nhe1abolished aggregation | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350810pakA-/ [act15]: pakA(T579A)pakAdecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350113pkbA-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)pkbA | rhebdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0236789pkgB-/ [act15]: pkgB(K182M)pkgBdevelopment arrests at mound stage
DBS0350306psenA-/ psenB-/ [act15]: psenB(D348A/ D394A)psenA | psenBwild type
DBS0302357psrA-/ [act15]: gskA(K84M/ K85M)gskA | psrAdecreased culmination | decreased prespore gene expression | delayed development | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350829psrA-/ [unk]: FLAG: rasD(G12T)psrA | rasDincreased protein kinase activation
DBS0349893pten-/ pakA-/ [act15]: pakA(T585A): GFPpakA | ptendecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349900pten-/ pakA-/ [act15]: pakA(T585E): GFPpakA | ptenaberrant cytokinesis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351348racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(G20V)racEdecreased protein phosphorylation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351351racE-/ [act15]: GFP: rasC(Q62L)racE | rasCdecreased protein phosphorylation
DBS0350956racE-/ [act15]racE(G20V)racEwild type
DBS0351213rasC-[act15]: rasG(S17N)rasC | rasGabolished activation of GTPase activity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350448rasG-/ [dscB]: rasG(S17N)rasGdecreased positive regulation of GTPase activity | decreased actin filament polymerization | decreased protein kinase activation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0236884rckA-/ [act15]: myc: rckA(K867A)rckAdevelopment arrests at mound stage | decreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0350770ripA-/ [act15]: GFP: rapA(G12V)rapA | ripAdecreased protein kinase activation
DBS0350115ripA-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)rheb | ripAincreased phagocytosis
DBS0350189rrpA-/ rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpA | rrpB | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350187rrpA-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [AS]lacZrrpA | rrpCaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference
DBS0350182rrpA-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpA | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350185rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [AS]lacZrrpB | rrpCaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference
DBS0350184rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpB | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350216rrpC-/ [act6]: LacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350217rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [AS]lacZrrpCaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference
DBS0351564sbdS(1-30,TS18,31-274)sbdsdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | aberrant cellular process | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0350063scrA-/ [tet]: scrA/ mhcA-mhcA | scrAaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0351610scrA-/ [tet]: scrA/ wasA-scrA | wasAaberrant cell motility | abolished vegetative growth | abolished bleb assembly | aberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0349941sunB-sunBincreased number of tip-organizers | aberrant cytokinesis
DBS0238395talA-/ [act15]: rapA(G12V)rapA | talAincreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0302382tsuA-/ [unk]: tsuA(K34R): YFPtsuAdecreased mound size | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0237051wasA-wasAdecreased cell motility | delayed development | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0351509wasA-/ [tet]: scrA/ [unk]: GFP: wasA(I173A/ F179A)scrA | wasAaberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0237052wasA1-/ [tet]: YFP: wasA2wasAdecreased actin filament polymerization | abolished positive chemotaxis | abolished aggregation | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0237811wasA1-/ [tet]: YFP: wasA2/ [act15]: wasA(Y33A/ W39A/ F90A/ F91A)wasAdecreased actin filament polymerization | decreased actin filament polymerization at leading edge
DBS0237820wasA1-/ [tet]: YFP: wasA2/ [act15]: wipAwasA | wipAabolished positive chemotaxis
DBS0350058yakA-/ keaA-keaA | yakAwild type

Last updated July 28, 2024


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